The Cloning Debacle

We all know that technology is at a tremendous point in our lives. So many things can be done through modern medicine and technology that were only dreams thirty or forty years nowadays! One of these remarkable advancements is the use of cloning. For those not in the know, genetic cloning is the process of taking an organism (like Dolly the sheep, Google her!), and creating a genetically IDENTICAL organism from the parent! Now, Biology is not my forte and I will not pretend it is, however this kind of process is complicated, so please look it up if you’re interested in learning more! Back to the original point of this post, cloning has been used to create genetically identical organisms from cats, dogs, sheep, to even HUMAN EMBRYOS. Now, of course, we have not allowed a clone of a human being to come to full fruition. These embryos that are created in a lab are typically destroyed to treat diseases for the parent human being or another person that needs it! With that last statement being said, this topic of cloning has become EXTREMELY controversial! At face value, it is used to help other human beings, which is moral and honorable. On the other hand, a completely new life that has been brought into this world is being destroyed before his or her potential is fully realized! In order to solve this kind of debate, we must find a way to classify this newly created clone of a human being. Is he or she considered a human being, with potential for greatness, the capacity to feel emotions, and to be able to make an impact on this Earth? Or, is she or he considered as a medical tool and can be used by scientists to fulfill any agenda that he or she pleases? Personally, here is how I feel about the situation. We know from Genesis 1:26&27 that we are all created in God’s image. We were formed, molded, and shaped by God within our mother’s wombs for 9 months until we were given life and brought into this world! However, if we, human beings, create a clone of something originally designed by God, than this makes the new person a creation of MAN and not GOD. God created each and every one of us to fulfill a glorious plan that He has made for us! By creating a clone of a human being, WE are creating another person to fulfill a plan that WE create for that person, and not a plan that God has set out for them! By these arguments, I do not condone the use of human embryos in this manner and do not believe that cloning should be an area that humans should be dabbling in. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to post them!


Sheldon Out

What’s Up with The Big Bang??

If you were to log onto Facebook and posted a status asking your friends, “How did the Universe begin?”, you would probably get various responses. However, the two most common would be “God created everything” and “Everything came out of the Big Bang”. The majority of the population believe that these perspectives are conflicting views on the same topic. HOWEVER, in reality, both of these concepts are linked and are THE EXACT SAME THEORY. Take your time. Breathe. Good? NOW. The idea that eventually became known as the Big Bang Theory was originally postulated by a man named Georges Lemaitre, a Belgian astronomer, Physics professor, and PRIEST. Lemaitre proposed a theory that Universe came from what he called the “primeval atom.” This atom was the initial point that the Universe exploded from! This idea was completely radical when Lemaitre proposed it in the 1930’s, even Albert Einstein himself did not accept the idea immediately. Now? The Big Bang is one of the most widely accepted theories within the modern scientific community. Christians and other theists believe that since the idea is accepted by scientists, that it must be an atheist or secular concept. However, this post is to my fellow Christians, and a few secular folks possibly, that the Big Bang has always been, currently is, and always will be a CHRISTIAN IDEA. The idea has God stamped all over it! Now, some of my Christian friends might ask how the Big Bang coincides with Genesis 1:1 “In the beginning, God created the Heavens and the Earth.”? First off, Christians know that God created everything, but had no explanation or understanding of it. The Big Bang Theory provides us with insights to how beautiful and wonderfully made Creation really is! Secondly, to borrow a few points from an article by Frank Turek in my Apologetics Bible, we need to understand the full implications of the Big Bang Theory. This explosion did not occur at a specific time, but it CREATED time. This event did not occur at a specific point in space, it CREATED space. This phenomenon did not involve any matter that existed previously, it CREATED all matter in the entire Universe! Therefore, in order for this event to occur, it had to be beyond time, space, and matter. Who is above all of those items listed? GOD. Finally, if an atheist or agnostic asks if the Big Bang Theory could occur as a cause of natural forces or possibly due to something along the lines of the Oscillating Universe Theory (Google it), you can answer them with confidence with this bit of information: The Big Bang did not occur naturally because nature and natural laws did not come into existence UNTIL the Big Bang occurred! Therefore, by definition, the forces that caused the Big Bang were SUPERnatural – God. In conclusion, Christians do not be afraid when someone talks about the Big Bang Theory. Think of it as a stepping stone in the scientific community that allows God to present…… even when some scientists don’t think he is! Take care everyone!


Sheldon Out

The Fall of Lucifer

Hello everyone! Today, I would like to discuss about Lucifer (Satan, the Devil, whatever you want to call him). Lucifer is one of the most interesting characters in, not only the Bible, but all of Christianity! We all know that he lives in Hell and likes to cause trouble and strife in our lives. However, most Christians do not understand or even know about his origins. Now, this is where things can get divided between different groups of Christians and even Jews! We, Christians, usually go to the Book of Ezekiel in the Old Testament to find the fall of Lucifer. In Ezekiel 28:12-19, the Prophet Ezekiel describes a lament over the King of Tyre, a major seaport of ancient Phoenicia, or modern day Lebanon. At face value, Ezekiel is describing how the King of Tyre was in the grace of God and fell tremendously, due to his own sins and pride. However, we notice that the description is too elaborate to be attributed to JUST the Earthly King of Tyre. The interpretation we receive from these verses then is how Lucifer fell from Heaven and became Satan as we know it today. Now, most people would say that Christians are just reading too much into Scripture and not taking the face value story. Although, this is a valid point, we know that Ezekiel was known for making elaborate descriptions within his book of the Bible. The first few chapters are about his vision of the Glory of God! Therefore, it is entirely possible that Ezekiel was shown Lucifer being expelled from Heaven, and Ezekiel described the event in words and images that he could understand! Personally, this makes the most sense to me as both a Christian and as a scientist. Ezekiel described in immense detail how Lucifer became proud and tried to become better than God. This wasn’t exactly a lesson of sorts, but I felt that in order to understand the great message of God’s Word, we need to understand Satan and how he lives in opposition to God and His Word. I hope whoever read this found it interesting. Take care!

Sheldon Out


Hello everyone! My name isn’t important. However, my friends like to call me Sheldon, as in Sheldon Cooper from the television show, the Big Bang Theory! I’m a Physics major and a scientist at heart. However, I’m also a very devout Christian. I read and study the Bible and I combine my faith and science in everything I do. This blog is dedicated to pursuing knowledge of the Bible, my perspective on certain issues, as well as posts to stimulate some thought. Join me for an interesting journey! 😀

Sheldon Out